In the area of preparation, God was reminding me that if I want the new song and the fresh move of God, I have to be prepared before I lead the congregation into the high mountain of praise. I am NOT talking about making sure one knows how to sing, play, and for the leader’s sake, lead the songs, but it is much more than that. These are the obvious! But are you behind the scenes asking God to move in a fresh way throughout the week and yes, right up until service starts? Is this just for the leader or the entire team? He is looking for more dedication and abandonment from all of His ministers. I told the Lord I am “all in” and ready to go to the next level. This means I have to give myself to more prayer. I have to be fresh too. This means that I have to deal with the bad stuff that creeps in, and I have to surrender my heart to Him. The closer I get to God; the closer I believe the people will get to God. After all, my ministry unto the Lord is an overflow and out pouring of what he is already doing.
Regarding expectation, the Lord told me to expect to see Him move. Expect healings and deliverances. Pray and ask God ahead of time for these things, to look for them when I am leading, and to expect them to manifest. Expect His presence to fall. Expect Him to meet his people a fresh. Expect to hear the new song breaking out! Expect to hear new and vibrant praise!
So, again the key is fresh oil from heaven. Prepared and pray for that oil and believe that He will pour it out on His house and on His people. Expect it! If you don’t prepare, one cannot truly expect. There are no short cuts. God is looking for worship teams that are willing to expose their heart cries to Jesus in the public; however, this would be a result of what was done in the secret with Jesus that week. Are you ready to seek God, prepare for his out pouring, and expect Him to move? If so, commit yourself to seeking, praying, Reading His word, praising, and worshiping Him more. Give Him all of yourself. Let heaven touch earth.
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Ileana Reich